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Health & Wellness
in Personal Enrichment
Avoiding Falls as You Age
with Kate Kelly
As we age, our cognitive abilities get less sharp to where walking with a cup of coffee could lead to loss of balance, injury, and even death. Join Kate Kelly, trained in balance education and exercises, to learn helpful exercises and tips to help prevent falls, and ways to make your path through life more "balanced."
Chair Yoga: It's Not Just for Seniors
with Kate Kelly
Kate offers you a session on chair yoga, an adaptive, gentle yoga practice done while sitting. Develop strength and flexibility for your overall health and invest in your wellbeing with yoga poses adapted for all ages to enjoy.
Will run
Medicare 101
with Courtney Cowan
Whether you are newly eligible for Medicare or have been enrolled for years, this class has something for everyone. You'll gain information on how to obtain Medicare when you are eligible, and many other important topics. We will also discuss supplemental insurance that can be purchased to compliment original Medicare. There are many different products and carriers available, therefore it is so important to become educated about the options you can choose. Medicare has various enrollment periods which gives you the opportunity to change your policy if appropriate. Anyone with questions about Medicare will find this class helpful.
Courtney Cowan (license #PRR252278) offers insurance products through Maine Medicare Solutions, a licensed insurance agency.
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Seeing Auras
with Kate Kelly
Kate has seen auras since a young age and now offers ways to develop your own sense of seeing the energy around yourself and others. This subtle, spiritual energy needs to flow easily in order to maintain good health. Learn how to see, feel and heal your aura.
Creating a Vision Board
with Kate Kelly
A vision board is a powerful way to visualize your goals and keep you focused. This imagination board will attract and govern the result of your life. Creating one will open your way to practice the law of attraction as you ask, believe, and receive your visions.
Kate Kelly has been offering alternative therapy classes at Lawrence Adult Education for several years. She is trained in a variety of alternative modalities and is education as a Master trainer in balance and bone builders programs. Her classes are entertaining as well as informative and well attended.